It's important for everyone to have access to beaches, forests, and springs. That's why I support wildlife conservation efforts.
Pesticides are killing our wildlife and destroying native habitat. We can advocate for controlling the use of pesticides like Glyphosate and Neonicotinoids.
The Florida Right to Clean Water amendment is our best hope. Visit floridarighttocleanwater.org and give Mother Earth a gift worth receiving.
PESTICIDE = Abomination

What happens to pesticides inside the body? Pesticides are complex Hydrocarbon Molecules designed to kill weeds, insects and fungi. Pesticides can create chemical reactions involving cell division that eventually mutate into cancer cells decades later. The Illnesses from pesticides can have devastating consequences, including cancer, disruption of the endocrine system, neurological damage, gut-brain effects, reproductive dysfunction, learning disabilities, behavioral disorders, Parkinson's Disease and more.Is the possibility of illness not too high a price to pay for a perfect lawn, mosquito-free patio or cheap vegetables?Please visit Beyond Pesticides website at: https://www.beyondpesticides.org/
‘It’s an abomination’: battle brewing over proposed US laws to protect pesticide companies | Pesticides | The Guardian
Bayer hit with $332 million judgement in Roundup cancer trial | Fortune
Mankind needs to learn to respect nature instead of trying to control it.
Wildlife conservation is a top priority.
My RADICAL REPUBLICAN opponent Lauren Melo has sponsored legislation​ (FL H0509 in 2024) that will expand district boundaries to add new lands to the Collier County Mosquito Control District. She obviousley knows nothing about wildlife ecology, conservation or a healthy pesticide free environment. She is just a pawn for big chemical companies. Expanding the boundaries will no doubt be very profitable. Wildlife is like the "canary in the coal mine". We have a problem if it is dead.
Do you want your neighborhood to be sprayed with insecticide jeopardizing the health of people, pets and wildlife?
Do you want your neighborhood butterflies, bees and dragonflies killed creating a lifeless landscape?
Do you want your neighborhood lakes and ponds to be treated with larvicide causing a complete disruption of the natural food chain literally killing the wildlife?
The Collier County Mosquito Abatement program has a budget of over $45M.​ This program has been in effect since 1950 yet they still spray Golden Gate, Immokalee, and Ava Maria for mosquitoes on a regular basis.
The money should be spent on wildlife conservation creating a balanced ecosystem with dragonflies to protect us from mosquitoes.
Visit this link to get treatment notifications ​of mosquito abatement from the Mosquito Control Commission website.
Please Don't Spray for Mosquitoes

All living things play a vital role in the ecosystem. Mosquitoes are a food source for fish, predatory insects, bats, birds, dragonflies, spiders, and other mosquitoes. They also filter feed, turning over organic matter and helping recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem. Mosquitoes are also pollinators, helping plants reproduce. Here are some other reasons why you might not want to spray for mosquitoes:
Effects of chemicals: Some people and pets may experience eye, skin, nose, or throat irritation, or breathing problems even cancer after being exposed to chemicals.
Pesticide residues: Pesticides may be left on outdoor surfaces like boardwalks and furniture after spraying.
Small swimming insects: Oil surfactants used to reduce water surface tension can cause tiny insects to suffocate and disrupt the entire food chain.
Whether natural or synthetic, broad-spectrum insecticides are highly toxic to a wide variety of insects, not just mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes can become resistant to insecticides. See reference [1] below.
Insect resistance to insecticides has been found throughout the world.
What happens when mosquitoes not only become completely resistant to pesticides, but also more aggressive?
A few years ago, I went on a fishing trip to a wilderness area in central Ontario, Canada. It was so remote that we heard wolves howling at night and saw bears and the northern lights. I took mosquito repellent but to my surprise, I did not need it. The lodge owner said the area had never been sprayed and he had cataloged over 40 different species of dragonflies. Some of the dragonflies were a beautiful iridescent blue, red and green. It was the dragon flies that kept the mosquitoes under control.
Florida has over 100 species of dragonflies, and some say there are 169 species recorded in the state. Florida is home to a total of 187 butterfly species, the most of any state east of the Mississippi River. However, the Vineyards Community Park in Collier County has a butterfly garden with no butterflies. While spraying might be somewhat successful against floodwater mosquitoes, the Aedes mosquito, which can spread yellow fever, dengue fever, and chikungunya, breeds in containers not in easy-to-reach places. The Aedes mosquito lays its eggs in containers, pots, cans, bottles, closets, inside garbage, and indoors. It lays its eggs above the waterline. When the water level rises, the eggs drop, hatch, and mature. Those conditions are less than ideal for mass spraying campaigns.
Mosquito spraying in Collier County Florida is done when mosquitos are present. In other words, after you have been bitten. Larvicides treatments disrupt the food chain depriving fish of their natural food by killing beneficial larvae that feed on mosquito larva. Dragon flies (on the other hand) are always on the lookout for their primary food. Pyrethroid insecticides continue to be the primary means for control of adult Aedes. Resistance is primarily due to gene mutations. Multiple mutations can result in highly resistant mosquito populations. Mosquitoes can't develop resistance to dragonflies. People do not develop resistance to pesticides.
Since 2003 to 2024, I have traveled eleven times for over 32 weeks all over the Brazilian Amazon rainforest in five different Brazilian states and have only seen two mosquitoes during all of my travels. When you have a balanced ecosystem, pest problems will be easily managed. I spent two weeks living with local residents in an Amazonian village called San Antonio de Matupi located deep in Amazonia. I did not need to use mosquito repellent or mosquito netting because there were no mosquitoes. I questioned several people who said there was no malaria in the area. Malaria does exist in Brazil but it is very rare in cities and towns.
Insecticides kill predatory insects like Dragonflies that have mosquitoes as their primary food source. The Mosquitoes have a much shorter reproductive cycle than the predators and the end results in more Mosquitoes than before. That is not to mention killing beneficial insects like honey bees and butterflies. Insect-eating birds and bats are also vulnerable and people cannot help being exposed to spraying. Some of the insecticides are extremely deadly to humans and some are systemic in the plants and the nectar from the flowers of sprayed plants will kill bees and butterflies. Spraying insecticides up and down the rivers and ponds is enormously expensive and an ecological disaster.
Window screening, mosquito netting and repellent are some effective ways to keep from being bitten. Mosquitoes typically come out at dawn and dusk. Dragonflies will protect us from all species of mosquitoes all the time.
Please read "The Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson. DDT has been banned but some of the insecticides in use today are much worse. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Visit Beyond Pesticides.
How Harmful are

As a a golf course superintendent (Greens Keeper) for 10 years, I learned a lot about lawn safety.
Notice the yellow warning signs that are placed on a lawn after a professional lawn care treatment. Ask your lawn care provider for a list of all chemicals put on your lawn during the entire year. Look the chemicals up on the Internet searching for effects on children and pets. The commonly used lawn herbicides like 2-4-D are essentially plant-growth hormones. They cause the plant to "grow itself to death". That is why you see the dandelions turn upside down after being sprayed with 2-4-D or other similar chemicals. 2-4-D is one of the two main chemicals sprayed from airplanes as a herbicide in Vietnam (Agent Orange). Pets, children, and adults exposing bare skin (feet or hands) to lawns treated with chemicals risk dangerous side effects. A professional dog trainer said that many people attribute cancer in dogs to exposure to lawn care chemicals. Your dog or cat could walk through lawn care chemicals and later lick its feet. The chemicals can be absorbed through the skin and be tracked into the house from a treated lawn. While treating lawns, the chemicals can be inadvertently sprayed onto sidewalks or relocated by rain. The fumes are also dangerous. Many of the chemicals are known to accumulate in the body and are known to cause cancer.
Studies Link Canine Cancers To Lawn Chemicals
My Dog Ate Fertilizer, Now What?
Household Chemical Exposures and the Risk of Canine Malignant Lymphoma, a Model for Human Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Recommended reading: "ContamiNation" by McKay Jenkins, My Quest to Survive in a Toxic World. Please help to make everyone aware of the potential dangers of lawn care chemicals and to take appropriate action.
Please help to make everyone aware of the potential dangers of lawn care chemicals and to take appropriate action to protect children and pets. P.S. And Adults A word about lawn weeds. The weeds are green are they not? They can also contribute to food for birds, rabbits, bees, etc. I like the dandelions yellow flowers and call them "Spring Mums", they mostly bloom only for a few weeks in the spring. If you don't like the dandelion flowers then just mow them. Clover not only produces food for wildlife, but the flowers also give a pleasant scent. Clover adds nitrogen to the soil that helps the grass thrive. In the past, clover seed was sometimes added to commercial grass seed. Other weeds have beneficial properties. Do we really need a perfect weed-free lawn? How can I maintain a reasonably attractive lawn without using chemicals? Healthy grass will tend to choke out or at least reduce the number of most weeds. In this part of the country, the soil is very likely to be acidic and most grass species do well in acidic soil. I apply a light dose of lime and lawn fertilizer every two or three years using a handheld spreader. Of course, increased fertilizing will probably result in increased mowing frequency. Keep the height of cut at least 2 ½ inches to give the grass a better chance to "smother" the weeds by reducing the sunlight going to the weeds. Watering in dry weather is good but there is no need to overdo it. Grass develops a very fibrous root system that also helps choke out the weeds. Why are you bagging the lawn clippings? I have never been able to understand why some people insist on bagging their lawn clippings. It makes more work and creates yard waste that requires some kind of disposal. Set your mower on "Mulch" and try to cut when the grass is dry. Wet grass does not mulch very well but sometimes it is required. The clippings (if any) from the previous mowing will be mulched when dry weather slows the growth and helps with mulching. Mulching reduces the need for fertilizer and is recommended by the county to reduce yard waste. Feedback welcome. Please support candidates that have a healthy environment at the top of their agenda.
Environmental Resources & Library
So it’s no surprise, that pesticides used to kill insects, fungi, and weeds harm people, too.
We have an existential challenge and an extraordinarily compelling need for transformative action.
​Forever Chemicals Seep Through Human Skin, Alarming Study Confirms : ScienceAlert
U.S. bans on gasoline-powered leaf blowers grow, as does blowback from landscaping industry | AP News
Ultrafine air pollution from planes threatens the health of millions | New Scientist
https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/18/what-is-pesticide-safety-organic-fruits-vegetables Pesticides | The Guardian
“We should have a sense of urgency”: Drainage tile drives nutrient pollution | The Lens
EPA accused of ‘egregious’ misconduct in PFAS testing of pesticides | PFAS | The Guardian
Study uncovers cocktail of 'toxic' chemicals in wines: 'Should be of grave concern'
Toxic Downpour: “Forever Chemicals” Rain on All Five Great Lakes
Pesticides play role in Parkinson's explosion, says Dutch expert - DutchNews.nl
New York’s underwater forests are disappearing due to pollution, extreme weather - Gothamist
Gardener warned against using common herbicide to control weeds in yard: 'I don't understand how this stuff is sold'
“No Mow May” Won’t Fix Our Biodiversity Problems – Mother Joneshttps:
Maker of popular weedkiller amplifies fight against cancer-related lawsuits
Cancer health effects of pesticides - PMChttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2231435/#:~:text=One%20well%2Ddesigned%20US%20study,of%20methyl%20bromide%2C%20a%20fumigant
New report concerning truth about homes located near megawarehouses: 'It's diminished our ability to thrive'
Prostate cancer and exposure to pesticides in agricultural settings - Settimi - 2003 - International Journal of Cancer - Wiley Online Library
Army Corps Admits to Dumping Toxic Water Into Florida Estuaries
Bayer says glyphosate does not cause cancer | ksdk.com
Drums of toxic chemicals dug up in Long Island park
California is biggest U.S. emitter of this greenhouse gas - Los Angeles Times
Glyphosate not silver bullet
Bayer ordered to pay $2.25 billion in latest Roundup trial | Reuters
US court bans three weedkillers and finds EPA broke law in approval process | Pesticides | The Guardian
Bayer ordered to pay $2.25 billion in latest Roundup trial | Reuters
Fertilizer pollution
Exposure to Toxic Chemicals Linked to Anxiety, Depression in Kids • Children's Health Defense
Most uses of controversial pesticide are now prohibited in Oregon - OPB
Crop-killing weeds advance across US farmland as chemicals lose effectiveness | Reuters
Arborist shares troubling image of common yard maintenance mistake: 'It's probably too far gone to save'
Report finds farmworker pesticide protections lacking
​Microplastics found in overwhelming majority of American meat, water, plants: study
Uterine cancer
Exposure to widely used insecticides decreases sperm concentration, study finds | Pesticides | The Guardian
'Burns me to a crisp': Farmers allege link between popular herbicide paraquat and Parkinson's disease - ABC News
Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides detected in New York state beeswax
Forests with multiple tree species are 70% more effective as carbon sinks than monoculture forests, study finds
Reducing pesticides in food: Major food manufacturers earn an F grade | CNN
EPA to investigate chemical that tribes blame for salmon deaths | The Hill
Why 5G Cell Towers Are More Dangerous - Get The Facts!
Bayer hit with $332 million judgement in Roundup cancer trial | Fortune
‘It’s an abomination’: battle brewing over proposed US laws to protect pesticide companies | Pesticides | The Guardian
Bayer ordered to pay $175 mln in latest Roundup cancer trial | Reuters
Roundup herbicide ingredient connected to epidemic levels of chronic kidney disease
What happens to pesticides released in the environment?
New Federal Study: Extremely Toxic Pesticide Breakdown Products Found in 90% of Streams Sampled Across U.S.
Pesticide Half-life
Pesticides - Definition, Types, Uses, and Harmful Effects
Microbial Degradation of Pesticides in Tropical Soils | SpringerLink
Biodegradation of Pesticides - Alexander - 1966 - ASA Special Publications - Wiley Online Library
Accelerated biodegradation of pesticides: An overview of the phenomenon, its basis and possible solutions; and a discussion on the tropical dimension - ScienceDirect
Current status of pesticide effects on environment, human health and it’s eco-friendly management as bioremediation: A comprehensive review - PMC
Pesticide residues
Agent Orange
Fw: Glyphosate Girl on agrotoxins in food
Air pollution particles may be contributing to dramatic drop in global insect numbers
EPA says three widely used pesticides driving hundreds of endangered species toward extinction • Missouri Independent
The Effects: Dead Zones and Harmful Algal Blooms | US EPA?a
Water temperature is found to not impact blue-green algae blooms
Chemical odyssey: First global analysis shows how pesticides leach into the environment
‘Outrageous’: MEPs condemn pesticide companies for withholding toxicity data | Pesticides | The Guardian
Report paves way for EU to renew glyphosate use
How To Keep Animals Out Of Your Garden
Gardener reveals why you should never throw weeds away
The Seaweed Blob Is Heading to a Beach Near You | WIRED
State of Arkansas sues over two dozen companies for chemical contamination of natural resources
Flesh-eating seaweed reaches Florida shores
21 Front Yard Landscaping Ideas With Rocks Anyone Can Copy
Study shows alligators are the engineers of the wetlands
Endangered chimpanzees contaminated with pesticides and flame retardants
Your improper mulching might be killing your trees: 5 mistakes yard experts see
Unsustainable coffee production is making more and more people sick, says study
Department of Agriculture Conservation Programs Are Giving Millions to Farms That Worsen Climate Change - Inside Climate News
Mangrove massacre wipes out Florida angler’s joy - Florida Phoenix
Stop eradication of small mammals to protect vital ecosystems, say scientists
Vinegar vs. Baking Soda: A Comparison of Weed-Killing Methods — Daisy Creek Farms
'Web of Deception': Syngenta Docs Show Company Tried to Hide Pesticide's Link to Parkinson's
Pesticides - Neurotoxic
The Simple Sugar Trick To Get Rid Of Your Lawn's Weeds
How organic farming saved a typhoon-hit town in the Philippines
My ‘surprisingly effective’ gardening tip will banish weeds in minutes – and it’s free
How to Use Baking Soda to Kill Moss - Backyard Boss
New types of chemicals found in Danish drinking water
What is Particle Pollution? | US EPA
Where air pollution is improving — and where it's worsening
Mexico's GMO stance found alarming | The Western Producer
Think adding fish makes for better fishing? Think again.
Agriculture needs fresh approach to tackle growing problem of insect resistance to biopesticides, new analysis finds
Release of captive-bred native fish negatively impacts ecosystems, study finds
Shocking Study Finds 99 Percent of the World Population Is Breathing Harmful Air
Mechanical weeding promotes ecosystem functions and profit in industrial oil palm, finds study
Poisons in children's breakfast food
Biopesticides should be preferred over chemical pesticides for fall armyworm control, study suggests
Canadian government urged to test sick patients for herbicide | Herbicides | The Guardian
In 1996, the EPA was ordered to test pesticides for impacts on people’s hormones. They still don’t. - EHN
So-called 'safe' pesticides have surprisingly ill effects
​​Letting Go Of Our Love Of Lawns | LAist
Using spiders as environmentally-friendly pest control
Concerning chemicals found in fish in the Puget Sound | king5.com
Florida Is Fighting to Feed Starving Manatees This Winter | WIRED
Court Forces EPA to Address Harms of Four Pesticides to Endangered Species
How intensive agriculture turned a wild plant into a pervasive weed
4000 Tons Released Annually: Hazardous Herbicide Chemical Goes Airborne