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Jul 31, 20241 min read
Chemicals that kill.
Chemicals that kill. Pesticides are created specifically to kill living organisms and are a danger to people, pets and wildlife....
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Jul 21, 20241 min read
They did what to your trees?
They did what to your trees? Many tree "experts" are not licensed Arborists. Sometimes they use cheap unskilled labor operating dangerous...
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Jun 23, 20241 min read
Are We Poisoning Ourselves?
Pesticides are extremely dangerous. The pollution of the environment by the use of toxic chemicals is a combination of irresponsible...
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May 30, 20241 min read
If you can smell the algae then you are probably inhaling it.
If you can smell the algae then you are probably inhaling it. Â [see references 1, 2, 3. below] The problem in many of the lakes in our...
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May 27, 20242 min read
Palm Tree Root Drenching
Palm Tree Fertility and Root Drenching Arborists with many others advocate for a "Root Drenching" approach to fertilizing trees. It...
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May 19, 20243 min read
We Have a Right to Clean and Healthy Water
We Have a Right to Clean and Healthy Water We live in an environment dominated by lakes, retention ponds, streams, canals, rivers, swamps...
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May 19, 20243 min read
How Dangerous are Lawn Care Chemicals (2010)
Notice the yellow warning signs placed on a lawn after a professional lawn care treatment. Ask your lawn care provider for a list of all...
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