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VotE Arthur Oslund
for Florida House 82

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Elitist Republicans have run Florida for the past 30 years; on THEIR watch, insurance premiums skyrocketed - now at 4X the national average! All because greedy politicians like MELO take MILLIONS in contributions from them! We MUST LOWER housing & rent costs and EXPAND Citizen's not-for-p insurance.


Corrupt Republican politicians take so much money from polluters they are willing sell our water rights to the highest bidder just to line their pockets. We must ensure quality of life for future generations, and enshrine the Right to Clean Water in Florida’s constitution.


Radical Florida Republicans BANNED abortion with virtually NO exceptions. I support LIMITING government interference with patient’s medical decisions with their doctors and giving people the freedom to forge their own destiny.


Radical Right-Wingers like my opponent MAGA Melo made it harder to vote in Florida elections. They fear Democracy; Republicans want a governmentof the corporations, by the lobbyists, for the CEOs! Enabling dictatorships and eroding democracy is not conservative, it is treasonous!

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Hypocritical Florida Republicans voted to reduce local control and ban localities from raising their minimum wage above the State. For all Republicans' talk about smaller government, they don't actually practice what they preach. I believe in strong home rule and localities being able to raise the minimum wage.


Desantis & Out-of-touch, Radical, anti-labor Republicans BANNED localities from providing workers's heat protections in hot Florida. Laborers are losing their jobs and DYING  out in the field because municipalities now cannot mandate water breaks. Democrats like me know how important it is to keep workers safe and out of the heat.

Forest Fire

find out why
mAga Melo

failed her

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A farmer is taking care of the rice patty




A longtime Democrat, I believe in fundamental human dignity. I will fight for women to have freedom to make their own reproductive decisions with their doctor without government interference. I seek to forge a healthier, cleaner environment in all of Florida! ​​

I am a passionate defender of wildlife and will introduce legislation to prevent further pollution of the everglades from runoff of excess pesticides and fertilizer from farms and landscape maintenance. For over ten years, I have been on a personal campaign using social media to educate the public on the dangers of being inadvertently exposed to pesticides.

I am originally from Ames, Iowa. I moved to the Baltimore, Maryland area in 1985. We moved to Bonita Springs Fl in May of 2021 and to Village Walk of Naples in April of 2022. I was born on September 22nd,1941, and I'm still in very good health. I eat organic food and get plenty of exercise walking my six year-old Husky for over a mile every morning.


I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Horticulture & Turf Management and had ten years’ experience as a Golf Course Superintendent (Greens Keeper) before entering the IT industry. I have always been passionate about the environment and its relationship to human health and wellbeing. I have written many articles on the environment, soil, water, and wildlife.

I have traveled eleven times for a total of 30 weeks in five  states in the Brazilian Amazon.   I have a gofundme site to raise money to buy Trail Cameras for the Brazilian Federal University of Amazonas.  The trail cameras help researchers inventory the wildlife in the Amazon Rainforest. When I put the cameras out, I had no idea what to expect. Check out what happened!

Florida House District 82 extends deep into the Everglades Swamp. I am a dedicated lover of nature. If elected, I will introduce legislation to limit the excess application of pesticides and fertilizer to avoid runoff into our waters. I'll  work to save the wildlife in the Everglades swampland of Florida from pesticide and fertilizer pollutants that drain in from farms and landscaping maintenance.

If elected, I will work to ensure women have access to abortion. I will be an advocate for LGBT equity and am very concerned about threats to democracy and project 2025. I will do everything possible to limit our impact on climate change.

Please explore the site to find out more about my candidacy, policy, platforms, and vision for an #EcoGreenFlorida in District 82!​



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©2024 by Arthur Oslund for FL HD 82.

 Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Author Oslund, Democrat for Florida House District 82.

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